Wednesday, 27 January 2016

More Photoshop Work..

   The original photo was taken 4 years ago whilst on holiday in Menorca. I came across it just after my photoshop workshop and thought I could use it to practice with. I adjusted the levels and increased the vibrance and saturation. I also removed the bit at the bottom left as well as the person in the water and the yellow...floaty things? I did this using the Fill Content Aware tool which i love using, it's great. I'm definitely going to do more of this.

Photoshop Workshop

   I really enjoyed today's photoshop class. I learned how to get rid of watermarks on photos and cut out backgrounds. It was great, I think I'm going to do more experimenting with this as I really enjoyed it and want to learn more. This is what I did. The first photo is the original and the second photo is my edit. I changed the contrast slightly and added clouds and of coutrse the red pole and two plants. I also got rid of the water tower which I found really cool to do.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Friday, 15 January 2016

Spirit Bear Animatic

   This is my final animatic, I found this so fun to make, I loved using Premiere and learning how to use it. I think I should have taken more care in making each frame look to a similar standard as the others but apart from that I'm quite proud of it! I liked doing this and can't wait to explore premiere more.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

2D Flash Walk and Dive

   I'm so happy with this, although it was quite rushed and it's not perfet., I was really worried about the splash and I did each frame really rough but when I played it back it actually works. I do think that the splash could be a lot bigger and more exaggerated and my drawing of the person could be a lot better but overall I think its an 'okay' piece of animation. I'm really enjoying 2d at the moment.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Yawning Casey 3D

   I tried this before and found myself getting really frustrated and found it really challenging. This time however, it wasn't that bad. I'm quite happy with how it turned out. Yes, it could do with some improving but for now I'm pleased.