Monday, 5 October 2015

Fragile - Final Piece

My reason for posting my previous work on my Animation blog is that some of my work this year and next year, even the year after could be influenced by work that I've done in the past as I think some of my pieces have a lot of potential in terms of ideas of stories and backgrounds etc. Here is the final piece which stems from the theme, Fragile. Enjoy!
Above: Work in Progress!
And Voila! My final piece all done! I feel that this gives a great representation of the incredible world we live in. Despite the negative aspect of life with regards to war, poverty, conflict and other social and political issues, if you sit back and look at your surroundings, you come to realise that the world is actually a pretty amazing place. I wanted to portray this beauty in my final piece and I think that I successfully did this.

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