Thursday, 1 February 2018

I have returned

So I haven't been on here for quite a while, since my last post I've been working really hard on more layouts and backgrounds for Papa Poule and this semester I've moved on from Landlubber and joined the Ticked Off team on layouts and backgrounds. Here are some Papa Poule layouts I've done. I think they're going quite well. Sometimes I struggle to get angles and perspective right but for the most part I have the 3D model as reference for the main objects in the room like the bed, door, table etc, and Lucie and Kathryn seem to me happy with them which is great!

 This one above is going to be a parallax shot so I redid the layout and extended the canvas and made sure to separate the foreground from the background. I just need to check if there are any problems with it with Lucie and if it gets the all clear then it's ready to colour! :)

The 2 layouts above are for the same shot but when Lucie added the first one to the shot that has been done, it didn't look right so she changed the perspective and I think it looks a lot better. 

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