Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Ticked Off - Control Panel

Above: with overlay
Below: without overlay

   So because Jasmine had already designed the props before i jumped onto the film to do backgrounds, my work is basically cut out for me, I just need to place the props in the right position for each background and i'm basically done. So, Jasmine said I could design the control panel. I'm happy with the design but i just can't get the colours quite right as with the pink textured overlay the colour brightens and changes. jasmine said to use copper/gray colours with a wooden texture and then another one with a metal texture. I'll have to see what she thinks. To see what the control panel would look like in a background, i did a quick test but went a bit overboard by adding the characters (oops) I also added a bit of gaussian blur to the background so that the foreground and characters stand out and to add a bit of depth. This is only rough as i know that the outside of the clock will change, the cog system will be a different design, in 3D and textured (but i just drew a random design as line art for this test) and also the way the clock face has smashed will change, but it's just to get a feel of the whole thing and i think the control panel looks okay, but it's Amy's vision so i'll have to double check with her! I'm pleased with this though and I can add this to my portfolio anyway if it isn't used!

To see more of how Ticked Off is going, you can check me out on social media: Twitter: @cerysjanemees Instagram: cerysjanemees and Facebook: Cerys Jane Mees

You can also check out Producer of Ticked Off, Jasmine's blog: and follow her on Twitter: jasminemay987

and last but not least our lovely director Amy!: Blog:

You can follow Ticked Off on twitter: @tickedoff2018

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